Weather charts

by Meteomalaga

Spain weather / Land temperatures / Sea surface temperatures / Synop chart / Temperature trend / Pressure tendency
Pressure systems / Surface wind analysis / T-Storm forecast: Thunderstorm probability (K-Index) / TSTMS TT
 KO-Index / Lightning's of the last 6 h /
Geopotenzial 500 / Geopotenzial 850 /Rainfall over the last 12 h / Jet stream

Partial updates every 3 hrs

Spain weather


Land temperatures

Coloured land temperature analysis with Isotherms in a distance of 2° C.
Measured at an altitude of 2 meters, +/- 1 hour before creating the chart.


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Sea surface temperatures



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Synop chart




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Temperature trend



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Pressure systems

marked in Hectopascal


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Pressure tendency

The pressure tendencies on surface, with isohypses in tenth/hectopascal (1/10 hPa).



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Surface wind analysis

coloured surface wind analysis, with isotach system in a distance of  2 knots.



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Thunderstorm forecast:


Evaluation of the labile air mass of flight level 100  (10.000 feet = 3.300 m)
up to flight level 300 (30.000 feet = +/- 10.000 m)
the values are:
100 = labile air mass from 925 hPa up to flight level FL100
180 = labile air mass from 925 hPa up to flight level FL180
240 = labile air mass from 925 hPa up to flight level FL240
300 = labile air mass from 925 hPa up to flight level FL300

high labile air mass = high risk of thunderstorms.



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Thunderstorm potential (2) TT

Updates at  09.30 / 19.30 UTC

The Total-totals Index compares only the air in the 850 mb shift (app. 1.500m) with the 500 mb shift (app. 5.500m). The air underneath 1500 m is not noted by Total-totals. For Total-totals are only important the relative humidity. In that way is a high Total-totals at low temperatures not important, because cold air can not save a lot of moisture and so thunderstorms can not be build up.

Total >52 and Lifted Index at or under 0: Relative lots of showers, but only local thundershowers
Total >52 and Lifted Index under -3: Mostly thunderstorms
Total <50 and Lifted Index under 0: Single thunderstorms
Colour fill scheme:
Orange = TSTMS (thundershowers), showers< 35 Knots, hale < 1,5cm
Green = moderate TSTMS (lots of thundershowers),
showers between 35 and 50 Knots, hale between 1,5 and 2 cm
Blue = Severe TSTMS (strong thunderstorms), showers> 50 Knots, hale > 2cm
Red = Tornadoes, severe TSTMS (thunderstorms, scattered tornadoes possible)


Calculation for thunderstorm probability VT CT TT
(Orange) ISOLD-FEW 18 - 19 ≥ 26 44
(Orange) SCT, (Green) FEW 20- 21 26 46
(Orange) SCT, (Green) FEW, (Blue) ISOLD 22 - 23 26 48
(Green) SCT, (Blue) FEW, (Red) ISOLD 24 - 25 26 50
(Green) SCT-NMRS, (Blue) FEW-SCT, (Red) FEW 26 - 29 26 52
(Green) NMRS, (Blue & Red) SCT > 30 26 56
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Thunderstorm probability (3) KO Index
Updates at  09.30 / 19.30 UTC
KO index is a measure unit how gives a information's for thunderstorm possibility.
It's based on Temperature data and use the vertical temperature and humidity values.
The KO-index offers this values:
> 6 no THST
> 2 single THST
< or = 2
 many THST


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500 hPa Geopotenzial and temperature

850 hPa Geopotenzial and temperature


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Rainfall of the last 12 hours

with  Isohyets chart in distance of  1 mm,  if under 1 mm then of  0,2 mm.


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South Europe Jet stream

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 © without the sea surface temperatures image (DWD) by